Lets start with The W Hotel Hollywood...
3 murals covering over 6000 square feet
The motor court mural
The Gym Mural
And roof top Mural

Now, fast forward to the City
Harvest Gala Ball of 2022
Now, fast forward to the City
Harvest Gala Ball of 202

Now, fast forward to the City Harvest Gala Ball of 2022,
provided the backdrop for a truly
extraordinary event in the heart of
New York City, all in the name of
charity. The centerpiece of the
evening - A meticulously hand-
painted bottle of Cardinal Du Four
that left everyone in awe.
But here's where the excitement
escalates: The bidding for this
masterpiece soared to an
astonishing 1.2 million dollars! And
if that weren't thrilling enough, the
legendary John Legend himself
stepped forward, making an
extraordinary promise. He
declared that he would personally
serenade the buyer in their very
own home if the bottle's price
crossed the million-dollar mark.
It was a night of pure magic,
where generosity and star power
converged to create unforgettable
moments while raising an
astounding amount for a noble

The Sydney Opera House / The UN World Ocean Day

The Kobe Bryant Tribute

Employees Only -West Hollywood